Performers, composers, music educators, students, and scholars all share the need to effectively manage and organize specific kinds of musical information. Audio, video, scores, and practice/performance/research notes are usually a part, but at least equal among the resources of every musician are other musicians and colleagues.
Soundscholar enables easy communication with others about specific works in your repertoire with the braintrust feature. Threaded, bulletin-board style discussions can be carried out among anyone in your selected braintrust. Public sources of audio, video, scores and information can also be searched and retrieved for your library.
The ability to search, filter, and view up to the minute statistics about your repertoire is a powerful organizational tool. Soundscholar enables musicians to juggle repertoire belonging to their roles as performers, composers, teachers, or any other role they choose to define. You can toggle the program to display only works belonging to a particular role. Toggling between program modes is a one-click operation.
Your braintrust can be searched to find others who share the same work in their repertoire, or broadened to only composer, or genre, etc. Performers may discuss works among other performers, teachers may encourage their students to create trusts among other students. You define what works best, because Soundscholar is designed to be flexible enough to support a variety of uses.
Performers, particularly, tend to regard computers as thieves of time and energy rather than tools to safeguard them. Yet, there are some tasks at which computers excel. Among these are organized information storage, search and retrieval, and online communication/collaboration.
With musical information increasingly found in digital formats and the growth and maturation of online sources for information gathering and community building, musicians need ways to harness the advantages of these developments for their unique purposes. SoundScholar aims to do just that.